Friday, August 20, 2010

smelly and crazy


So, a couple of days ago, Jack, Lauren, and I spent most of the morning at the park. When we got home, we had lunch, Lauren went down for a nap, and Jack stayed up with me. I decided I would check my facebook and Jack wanted to sit next to me and watch. Now, I'm sure most people have been around a little 5 year boy, who has just been playing and running around all morning, so needless to say he didn't smell very good. So I said to Jack.. " Hey buddy, you don't smell very good, Can you sit in that chair over there and as soon as I'm done, I'll help you take a shower if you want my help." So he goes and sits in the chair for all of 5 seconds and then comes back over to sit right next to me ( and Jack is the type of kid, where there is NO personal space)lol. So I looked at him and he proceeds to say to me
"Why don't you just keep your nose down and not smell me."
Me in shock- "What?"
Jack- " Just plug your nostrils and don't breathe me"
Me still in shock, starting to chuckle- "Plug my nostrils?"
Jack- "Yeah, you know, nostrils is your nose, just plug them and don't breathe me."
Me now laughing out loud- "No, go take a shower."

So needless to say I don't know what I'm going to do when I get back to Texas, and I don't have two adorable kids sneezing on me, waking me up to give hugs, and kisses, wanting me to read with them and play. I'm really am going miss all of this...well maybe not the sneezing part.


Remember the movie the Burbs with Tom Hanks? Beth and John's street sometimes reminds me of that movie. Everyone knows everyone, and all of their business. The only thing is the crazy neighbor isn't next door but across the street. So after having a great night at music in park with the family, when we got home, there was a taxi car across the street. The driver seemed to be yelling at the person in the back seat. So once the driver saw us, he proceeded to walk over to come and talk to us, and tell us that there is a women who is passed out in the back seat. So Beth, being Beth, has no problem going over to see who the women is, and tries to wake her up.
(see Beth's facebook for how she "woke her up", classic). And as much as I wanted to see what's going on, aka Drama!!! and not mine...hey, hey, hey!!! I decided it would be best to take Jack, and Lauren inside, and let John and Beth handle the situation. So I promptly got Jack and Lauren inside, read scripture (fast, i might add, not my best moment), said prayers, and promptly got them to bed, so that I, of course, could go outside. But when I went outside, the next thing I know, and see, it's a block party! Everyone is outside on their porch, and there are three cop cars, with some cops trying talking to the now awake, and still very drunk lady (who was also telling all the neighbors that they all know they love her and would miss her if she didn't live on the street)(doubtful, i might add), and other cops taking to neighbor and joking around telling stories. Like this is nothing out of the usual. I wish I remember to take pictures. It was one for the books. Again, I'm really going to miss being able to sit out on a front porch and people watch. My street in Texas is too quite. Maybe I should spice it up???

New Jersey life = excitement and surprise! O how I will miss it!

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